Facts About The Tooth Fairy

Facts About The Tooth FairyNo one knows much about the mysterious Tooth Fairy. This leaves parents with few answers to the many questions kids have about the magical being who collects the baby teeth from underneath their pillows. So we put together a list of FACTS about the tooth fairy!

  1. She is at least 114 years old! The first known mention of the Tooth Fairy was in the Chicago Daily Tribune in 1908. She is relatively young compared to Santa Claus, who can be traced back to ancient times.
  2. She visits each child around 20 times. Children have 20 baby teeth that will fall out usually between the ages of 6 and 12.
  3. The tooth fairy originally paid 5 cents per tooth. Nowadays, she typically pays a dollar for most teeth, but sometimes she will surprise you with even more! We have been hearing stories about her leaving behind a gold coin, a crisp $2 bill, a toothbrush, or a fun toy. And some of our patients have even received letters!
  4. Whether your child is about to lose their first or last baby tooth, the Tooth Fairy prefers healthy, cavity-free teeth. To help ensure the maximum trade-in value, make sure to brush twice a day for two minutes, and floss once a day before bed!
  5. Alameda has hundreds of fairy doors, houses, and residences scattered all throughout the island. We have found at least two doors in our Alameda office! You can use the Magical Fairy Map via Google Maps to discover more beautiful fairy doors around town.


Below is a picture of two tooth fairies who joined us at the Alameda 4th of July Parade!

Facts About The Tooth Fairy

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