Did you know that dental decay is the most common childhood illness and the most easily preventable? In fact, cavities can have an even greater impact on children and their families than asthma. Educating children on the importance of dental care and good oral hygiene practices not only helps them to prevent dental health issues but also helps them to build a lifelong routine of oral care.
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, a month-long event that brings together dental professionals, health care providers, and others to raise awareness about the importance of good oral health in children. The pediatric dentists and orthodontists at Alameda Pediatric Dentistry are committed to helping children understand the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth through brushing, flossing, and scheduling teeth cleaning appointments at least every six months.
Parents can prevent cavities and promote good oral health by ensuring that your children:
• Brush their teeth after meals
• Avoid sugary treats or eat them with a meal vs. as a snack
• Get dental sealants
• Avoid sodas and limit sugary juices
• Educate your child the importance of flossing at a young age
• Get fluoride treatments
• Schedule cleaning appointments 2x year
During the month of February, Alameda Pediatric Dentistry, in partnership with Tooth Fairy Island™, is offering free, fun and interactive presentations to preschools and kindergarten classes teaching them the importance of developing good oral hygiene habits for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Our curriculum is designed to engage and excite children about maintaining a healthy mouth and a healthy body. Each presentation is structured to fit the grade level and the time allotted.
To schedule a Tooth Fairy Island™ presentation at your school, or to schedule an appointment with one of our pediatric dentists or orthodontists, please email us at info@alamedapediatricdentisty.com or call (510) 521-KIDS.